New Release Giveaway – On Wings of Time – Linda Boulanger

On Wings of Time Book Cover On Wings of Time
Lochlainn Guardians
Linda Boulanger
Paranormal Romance - Time Travel
TreasureLine Publishing
Oct. 12, 2017

New Release Giveaway

On Wings of Time by Linda Boulanger

One Lucky Winner Will Receive

A Print Copy of On Wings of Time and Swag Pack (includes metal dragon bookmark, beaded purse clip, Dragon Note Card set, small stuffed dragon)

**Giveaway Eligible in US Only**

Book blurb: 

One man with a dragon’s soul.

A self-proclaimed bachelor for life, modern-day Luke Tavish has no idea he’s more than a mere man. One thing’s for certain, though… he’s not looking for love. He doesn’t want a relationship, but he needs the fair maiden from the past… in more ways than he knows.

One woman with the key to unlock his powers.

Amileigh McCollum isn’t your typical Medieval Lady. She’s always known there’s something special about her. She just isn’t sure what. The day she rides beyond her father’s gates alongside a man who isn’t her husband, she’ll learn that destiny is about to find her.

Six hundred years separate them.

Forward to go back, time spirals out of control in an attempt to bring together a couple that is six hundred years apart. When Luke finds himself back in Ami’s world, he has to come to terms with his newfound identity and prepare for a battle he didn’t know he would have to fight, all while falling head-over-heels in love.

When the future calls him back, will he ask her to go? Would she say yes if he did?

Fate’s carefully woven web is about to be tested by human will, a kiss, and the flip of a coin.


She pushed away her concerns as she stopped on the perimeter of Somerled’s lawn. Home, and the security that went with her life, stood before her.

Ignoring the uneasiness roiling inside her, Amileigh ran across the tamed section of the yard, the silence surrounding the castle sounding its loud, cautioning sentry salute. She ignored the nonexistent barking of the dogs that didn’t greet her upon her return, as well as the lack of workers milling about. No one chopped wood or beat rugs. There were no servants’ children playing on the back lawn like they usually did that time of day, no chickens tending to their busy work of scratching and clucking in the henhouse not far from the door that led to the kitchens… in fact, it wasn’t until she took in the front of the house that she realized there had been no henhouse at all, just a pile of overgrown rubble.

Ami stepped around the corner. Her heart lodged in her throat, and she had to force herself to move forward. Tears welled in her eyes as she choked down the bile rising in her throat. She stepped onto the felled stones that should have comprised the entryway of her family’s home. Beneath her feet, debris and grass replaced the imported Turkish flooring that had been brought in by boat and wagon. Her mother would have been devastated to see the smashed remnants of what little remained of her cuerda seca tiles, especially the large oval displaying the family crest in the center of the floor. No more of the floral patterns either—the stark contrast of soothing yellow and blue flowers edged in black, interspersed with the light gold hued tiles… rubble. Gone were the wooden furnishings and family heirlooms that should have welcomed her.

Disbelief clouded her vision as she turned slowly, moving closer to where the bottom of a grand staircase began. Hands and lips shaking, she reached toward one of the few remaining walls. The stones, cold beneath her fingers, felt much as they had the last time she’d touched them. She closed her eyes, envisioning herself racing back up the stairs to get her riding gloves, her fingertips trailing along the stones. Only there were no stairs to grant her passage upward now. The lovely banister her father had commissioned to fulfill her mother’s dream… gone. And her family? They surely weren’t there, but were they gone as well? She closed her eyes, resting her forehead against the stones, trying to sense some form of life. All she felt was the vibration from the continued droning hum in her head. And… voices?

About the Author:

Linda Boulanger has always been a hopeless romantic, which spills over into her eclectic mix of published books, numerous story singles, and short stories in a few group anthologies. She spends her “free time” designing book covers for others through Tell~Tale Book Covers and TreasureLine Designs, all from her desk just north of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

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35 thoughts on “New Release Giveaway – On Wings of Time – Linda Boulanger”

  1. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who stopped by to leave comments and enter the giveaway. Also, thank you to Paranormal Romance Guild for providing this opportunity for me to share information on my book.

  2. The only books I’ve read with a dragon in them were the Fire Light series by Sophie Jordan! They actually have been in talk for tv but we shall see. They are great!

    • Thank you, Rebecca. I HAVE to read the Dragon Riders of Pern now! That is so awesome that it was the first dragon book you read and it has remained your favorite. I’m guessing it is pretty amazing.

  3. OMG, Linda this sounds so good. I have not had time to read it yet. But I will very soon. Thanks for the chance ☺️

  4. I love Anne McCaffery’s Dragonriders of Pern series. I look forward to reading On Wings of Time as it combines two things I like, dragons and time travel. The story sounds great, also I love the cover! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway.

    • I haven’t read Anne McCaffery’s series, Julie, but I think I definitely need to do so! From what I’ve heard, it’s a great series. I always love hearing about other’s favorites. Thank you so much for your compliment on the cover. It helped shape the story somewhat. I think that is one of the perks of being a designer and creating one’s own covers. Best of luck in the giveaway.

    • Thank you for entering, Lisa! I have fallen in love with dragons and hope you will as well. I think one of the things I love the most with them is how different they can be, while still being dragons… kind of like people! I am currently working on three different series with dragons in them, and each has a different type of dragon. Hopefully my enjoyment of writing them comes through.


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