Review: Blood Drop – Jacob Flores

Blood Drop Book Cover Blood Drop
Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge Book 5
Jacob Z. Flores
M/M Paranormal Witchcraft
Dreamspinner Press
November 6, 2017

Review by Gloria Lakritz

Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild

We are in our 5th story of the Warlock Brothers of Havenbridge, and we ended Book# 4   where the Blackmoor’s are no longer part of  the three magical families. In the town three families were chosen as the Keepers of  The Gate. The Proctor family was the keeper representing Witches and the Stonewall family was the family representing Wizards and Blackmoor’s were the family representing the Warlocks . Through all of the books, we dealt with The Conclave who blinked in and out sometime causing more trouble and chaos than the bad guys. The Conclave being the rulers…. were the see all and  be all in charge of all magical beings.

Aiden,  Fae Prince,  now Vampyre is the love of Thad Blackmore.  The Blackmoor’s have become his family, and Thad  is his rock. It hasn’t been easy making the adjustment to the changes within, and now with the family trying to deal with the ousting of their family,  the Icarian threat and the crazy  scary Conclave life is not easy in Havenbridge.

If I thought the fourth book had action, surprises, and anxiety……Jacob Flores was able to deliver another award winning story to be added to this collection. The deception of loved ones, the heart pumping action, the trust and love of two young men, bring this story to a rousing conclusion.

There is blood and gore, there is love and trust, there surprises that will hurt you and some make you weep in joy. If you are following this series this story is a MUST!

**2017 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award Winner**



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