Review: Cleansing Flame – Andrew Grey

Cleansing Flame Book Cover Cleansing Flame
Rekindled Flame Book 2
Andrew Grey
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
March 10, 2017

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

Twenty-six year old Dayne Mills has known a great deal of pain and it seems that any luck he has is bad. Dayne is attending Dickinson College in the hope of having a better future after his horrible past.

Dayne was in a car accident when a man hauling a trailer decided not to take the time to ensure that his property was safely secured. That lack of thought was what caused Dayne to lose the love of his life Jeff and left him severly injured. It was unsure if Dayne would ever have use of his legs but he worked hard to get to the point where he could at least walk, sometimes with a cane and most of the time in pain. Then a year later he lost his mother but there was more to come.

Dayne decided to do a thesis on the Carlisle Indian Industrial School, a school that is recognized only by the fact that Jim Thorpe went there. At the Historical Society seeking information he met Lawson Martin a fireman who was looking for information on his mother’s relative but what he found instead was a man that rang his bell.

Arriving home Dayne met his next tragedy, his home, all he had left in the world, and all he had left of his mother was burning down. It was Lawson who came to him with an offer of help in the form of inviting Dayne to his home until he could find a new place and get the insurance settled. Of course, it was Morgan and his partner Richard who we met in the last book who encouraged Dayne to take Lawson’s offer of help.

Lawson is a very macho guy, well built, a firefighter, a man who jumps from planes or leaps off high cliffs into the water below and Dayne is none of the above. Dayne lives with major scars on his legs from all his surgeries and has difficulty walking. His handicap is one that men are not willing to subject themselves to but Lawson is very, very interested in this man that is his total opposite.

This is an Andrew Grey book so there is love in the air, sex and lessons to be learned. I found the information Dayne found about the Carlisle Indian Industrial School both interesting and sad. All the young native boys and girls were given English names and forbidden to speak their language. Every attempt was made to make them into something they weren’t White. Of course, the Indians were always pushed aside by the White Man a part of our history that we don’t really talk about much, how sad.

It is also a book where a strong man has to convince a man who believes he is weak that there are all kinds of strength. Surviving the lose of loved ones, almost losing his legs and months of physical therapy and surgeries is another form of strong. Another wonderful book by a man who has become one of my favorite authors.


**2017 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award Winner**


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