Review: Haunted Souls – Kathryn Knight

Haunted Souls Book Cover Haunted Souls
Kathryn Knight
Paranormal/Contemporary Romance
The Wild Rose Press, Inc
June 1, 2016

Reviewed by:   Douglas C. Meeks

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

I have to admit that for the first few chapters I was getting close to doing a DNF (Did Not Finish) on this book mainly because I found the 2 main characters fairly unlikeable but it did pick up, I did not scan any but this is more of a book about 2 people working out their problems with a side of paranormal thrown in as a minor but important part.

Our hero Staff Sergeant Brett Leeds is really unlikeable from the start but he is dealing with some serious PTSD stuff which becomes clearer as the book progresses, our heroine is just a mess on the verge of a nervous breakdown at any time for the first few chapters.

The premise of an unknown pregnancy and the reactions are done poorly IMHO, there is a lot of things that could be solved in a few minutes of conversation that the author takes almost the whole book before she allows it to happen.  Even in the face of all this I did find the writing gripping (since I would usually be scanning pages by now) and there are a couple of interesting subplots, the paranormal aspect is 1 of them.

I am going to give this 3 ½ stars mainly because they were so unlikeable for much of the book, I am not a big fan of reading about depression and undirected anger issues even though they did get things worked out for the most part.

Bottom Line:  Not a bad book and your mood and experiences will have a big part of how much you like this book.  If you know somebody with PTSD you might like it more.  The paranormal aspect was an interesting aside and not really part of the main plot which really is these two people getting back to a normal life but it DOES play a very important part in the story and one of the other subplots.  So, 3 ½ Stars it is and your mileage may vary depending on mood and experience.

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