Review: Mapping the Forest – Brandon Witt

Mapping the Forest Book Cover Mapping the Forest
Rocky Mountain Boys Book 1
Brandon Witt
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
November 4, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz

Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild

I am so excited to have read this newest novel of Brandon Witt’s, Mapping the Forest. I must tell you, this is quite a love story! But more than that, I adored seeing the growth in the writings of Mr. Witt since the Myth’s series. The one thing I can tell you before I talk about ‘the book’ I must tell you about the author, who was new to me until recently. I have devoured his books, reviewed his books and seriously watch him come into his own; becoming a wonderful story teller. Now let’s get down to this wonderful hard hitting story!

Gabe and his best friend Jordan (female) worked as Park Rangers in Estes, Colorado. They both loved their jobs but not the homophobic boss they have. Gabe stays because of the friends he has met, his ‘gay family’, and Jordan and her aunt. He has had a crush on one of ‘his family’, Todd, who seems to not see the want in Gabe…for years

We open when Jordan and Gabe are on a Fun Steak Dinner ride up the Mountain…The cook sat down with his guitar started to sing and made magic!!!  OMG, Luis… My heart hurt for him. It wasn’t a break-up, or a miss communication, Luis lost his husband of 12 years to a freak skiing accident two years ago and was a mess. He saw an ad in the paper of a hotel for sale in Estes and bought it. Was it by chance???

Brandon Witt has written a beautiful story of falling in love, taking a chance, dreaming a dream and returning to the living! Louis Martinez married for 12 years lost his husband to a freak skiing accident. It is two years and his family, and he himself do not think he will ever live again. He has brought his husband Chris to Estes in an urn.

Brandon Witt, has not only written a novel, he has again written a family, one we interact with all through the book. Each character as always is fleshed out, each one meaningful, each memorable. This is how Mr. Witt’s books are written, with no rush but with slow and easy care and rhythm.

This is a beautiful love story, and not to be missed.

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