Review: Nicolas – Dianne Hartsock

Nicolas Book Cover Nicolas
Dianne Hartsock
M/M Fantasy Romance
Dreamspinner Press
December 18, 2015

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

Jamie Brannen has decided to hide away in a remote cabin near Lake Huron. It was six months ago that he caught his boyfriend making out with their neighbor. Jamie has always been effeminate, wears women’s panties, nail polish and a ribbon in his hair. His ex told him that if he wanted feminine he would be with a girl and that was when Jamie decided to hide out from the world.

Jamie is an artist and working on a commission piece, getting his food delivered every month and having no phone except his cell which works sporadically. One night he hears a noise and finds a man laying on the dock. The man is barely able to walk and is close to freezing to death. The man is Nico De Mira and the attraction between the two men is instantaneous.

Nico is no ordinary man he is a man being stalked by a monster, a Krampus. Nico was responsible for saving three young boys who were being killed by a butcher. When he accidentally caused the butcher’s death his sole escaped and has been torturing Nico ever since.

Every year Nico tries to help those in need and every year the Krampus/Piter Rupert finds a way to torture young children causing Nico to suffer over and over. Jamie is determined to help Nico get rid of the Krampus but Piter has powers that can control minds and Jamie is not immune to his power. Piter is once again playing games with the children in the town, he doesn’t kill them he just makes their lives a living nightmare.

There are secrets and surprises and very explicit sex. I have read many M/M books and the sex never bothered me, unfortunately, sex seems to be the constant in this story no matter what danger Jamie and Nico are facing or what danger others are facing sex is always thought about and acted on. The story got lost in all the sex. This was not a sweet Christmas tale, it was filled with torture and pain.

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