Review: A Wild Ride – Andrew Grey

A Wild Ride Book Cover A Wild Ride
The Bullriders Book 1
Andrew Grey
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
April 8, 2013

Reviewed By: Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

Twenty-nine year old Dante Rivers is a bull rider and knows that he has only a few years left that he can ride. He dreams of being in first place, and tonight he hopes his dream will come true. He is riding Damnation, a bull that has thrown every rider who has sat on him. Dante is hoping for a different result. His dream comes true when he has the ride of his life but still comes in second with a difference of two one-hundredths of a point. Frustrated and angry, he decides to go to a bar and pick up a man for some wild sex, only he gets more than he could ever have hoped for.

At the bar he meets Ryan Abbott, a stock broker and the two hit it off. At Ryan’s hotel room, Dante, the cowboy, finds himself being dominated by Ryan, the stock broker, and although it is the best sex he has ever had, he feels embarrassed by what he feels was weakness on his part. Leaving Ryan, even though he doesn’t want to, he is convinced that they will never see each other again. For over a week both men are consumed with thoughts of the other and the great sex they had but are not willing to look each other up.

When Ryan is asked to see an elderly man to help with his estate he is shocked when the man turns out to be Dante’s grandfather. Now what neither expected to happen has, and they are face to face with other neither knowing what to do. Will they give in to their feelings? Will Dante get over feeling like a girl for showing emotions? Dante considers himself a strong man, a bull riding cowboy, so how can he justify the tears he shed when he first had sex with Ryan. What does Ryan feel towards Dante after his emotional breakdown?

This is a beautiful story about two men who need each other, but have to be willing to accept each other the way they are. Although they eventually realize that they care about each other, neither man can express what they feel in words. Will they finally find the words to tell each other how they feel and will Dante ever realize his dream of being a winner?

I have read many of Andrew Grey’s books and the reviews I give are from the heart. I am a married woman who is no spring chicken, actually I think the chicken has one foot in the grave, lol, but I overlook the fact that this is a relationship between two men. To me it is a relationship between two people in love. Mr. Grey has a way of making you go beyond someone’s sex and into their hearts and you see them as people, and nothing more. Dante is a tough cowboy, he wears chaps, cowboy hat and spurs and rides a bull and he is gay, so what? If he was loved before for his talent why should that change if he loves a man not a woman? As a society we still have a lot to learn.

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