Review: The Watcher – Rebecca E. Neely

The Watcher Book Cover The Watcher
Crossing Realms Book 2
Rebecca E. Neely
Paranormal Romance
Soul Mate Publishing
November 30, 2016

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team

This book picks up where book one ended. Dev Geary, once a Keeper, was killed and is now a Watcher in training. Haenus the Brood Master for the Betrayers used Similitude to drain Dev, killing him in the process. Libby, Nick’s wife whom we met in book one, was able to kill Haenus, but of course there is a new Brood Master to take his place. The new leader is Abel, and he is determined to destroy all the Keepers and Watchers and succeed where Haenus failed.

Since the Betrayers have no idea how Libby was able to stop Haenus, they have put a hold on using the Similitude, but that won’t last for long. If the Betrayers are successful in destroying the Keepers and Watchers, then there would be no hope for humans, since they are the ones who protect them.

Dev isn’t doing very well in the Watcher realm. All he wants is revenge for his death, so when he is offered the opportunity to return to the human realm, he jumps at the chance. He has seven days to find a human named Meda Gabriel with whom he will have to work to find a way to recreate the Similitude so that they can find a way to destroy it. Meda is the daughter of a scientist everyone considered mad. When he died, she all but hid away from everyone. Could her father’s experiments be the way to finding out how to make and destroy the Similitude?

When Dev finds her, it doesn’t take long before he convinces her that he needs her help. Meda has no doubt that he is telling her the truth and that if she doesn’t help it could be the end of everything and everyone. It doesn’t hurt that she has an instant connection to him and could feel his energy the minute he came into the bar she owned. Meda also has a gift, a gift to some and a curse to her, she can touch someone and get impressions from them and knows about them. That ability does not work on Dev.

With her father’s papers and discs, she and Dev join up with the others of the clan and begin researching how to make Similitude. We meet up with all the characters from book one and find out what is happening with Libby and Nick. The feelings between Dev and Meda grow stronger, but there is no hope for a relationship since he has only seven short days in the human realm and there is a lot of work to be done in that time.

This book has action, suspense, secrets and romance. Dev and Meda both have secrets from their pasts that haunt them, but they are the only hope of saving his clan and the Keepers and Watchers. In spite of their determination not to fall in love, the heart wants what the heart wants. She is willing to live a lifetime in seven days if it is with the man she loves. Can their love save the day?

I highly recommend reading this series in order since the background story of the Keepers and Watchers and the Betrayers can be confusing at times especially if you haven’t read the series from the beginning. The thing I love most about both of the books, so far, is the love story between the two main characters, that alone is why I rated them with four stars.

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